Quentin Duchemin

Davis-Kahan Sin Theta Theorem

In many situations, there is a symmetric matrix of interest \Sigma \in \mathbb R^{d \times d}, but one only has a perturbed version of it \hat{ \Sigma} = \Sigma + H. How is \hat{ \Sigma} affected by H ?
The basic example is Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Let \Sigma = \mathrm{Cov}(X) for some random vector X \in \mathbb R^d, and let \hat{\Sigma} be the sample covariance matrix on independent copies of X. Namely, we observe X_1, \dots, X_n i.i.d. random variable distributed as X and we set

    \[\hat{\Sigma} := \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} X_i X_i^{\top}.\]

If X is concentrated on a low dimensional subspace, then we can hope to discover this subspace from the principal components of \hat{\Sigma}. How accurate is the subspace we find?

1. Some intuition

An eigenspace of \Sigma is the span of some eigenvectors of \Sigma. We can decompose \Sigma into its action on an eigenspace S and its action on the orthogonal complement S^{\perp}:

    \[\Sigma = E_0\Lambda_0E_0^* + E_1\Lambda_1E_1,\]

where E_0 is an orthonormal basis for S (e.g., the eigenvectors of \Sigma that span S), and E_1 is an orthonormal basis for S^{\perp} (this follows from the spectral theorem). We can similarly decompose
\hat{\Sigma}=\Sigma  + H with respect to a “corresponding” eigenspace \hat S (with dim(\hat S) = dim( S) ):

    \[\hat{\Sigma} = F_0\widehat{\Lambda}_0 F_0^*+ F_1 \widehat{\Lambda}_1 F_1^*.\]

Suppose we find a few eigenvalues of \hat{\Sigma} that somehow stand out from the rest. For instance, as in PCA, we may find the first few eigenvalues to be much larger than the rest. Let \hat{S} be the corresponding eigenspace. If there is a similarly outstanding group of eigenvalues of \Sigma, then the hope is that the corresponding eigenspace S will be close to \hat{S} in some sense. For instance, we may be interested in how well \hat{S} approximates vectors in S. Any vector in S can be written as E_0 \alpha for some \alpha \in \mathbb{R}^{\mathrm{dim}(S)}, the projection of this vector onto \hat{S} is F_0F_0^{*}E_0\alpha. Then

    \begin{align*} \|E_0\alpha - F_0F_0^* E_0 \alpha\|&= \|(I-F_0F_0^*)E_0\alpha\| \\ &= \|F_1 F_1^*E_0\| \\ &= \|F_1^* E_0 \alpha\| .\end{align*}

Therefore vectors in S will be well-approximated by \hat{S} if F_1^*E_0 is “small”.

The condition we will need is separation between the eigenvalues corresponding to S and those corresponding to \hat{S}^{\perp}. Suppose the eigenvalues corresponding to S are all contained in an interval [a, b]. Then we will require that the eigenvalues corresponding to \hat{S}^{\perp} be excluded from the interval (a - \delta, b + \delta) for some \delta > 0. To see why this is necessary, consider the following example:

    \[\Sigma := \begin{bmatrix} 1+\delta & 0 \\ 0 & 1-\delta \end{bmatrix}, \quad  H:=\begin{bmatrix} -\delta & \delta \\ \delta & -\delta \end{bmatrix}, \quad \hat{\Sigma} := \begin{bmatrix} 1 & \delta  \\ \delta & 1 \end{bmatrix}.\]

Here, the “size” of H is comparable to the gap between the relevant eigenvalues. Then the eigenvalues of \Sigma are \lambda_1 = 1 + \delta and \lambda_2 = 1 -\delta, and its corresponding eigenvectors are v_1 = (1, 0) and v_2 = (0, 1). The eigenvalues of \hat{\Sigma} are also \hat{\lambda}_1 = 1 + \delta and \hat{\lambda}_2 = 1 - \delta, but its corresponding eigenvectors are v_1 = (1/\sqrt 2, 1/\sqrt 2) and \hat v_2 = (-1/\sqrt 2, 1/\sqrt 2), we have \hat v_2^* v_1=1/ \sqrt 2, which can be
arbitrarily large relative to \delta.

2. Distances between subspaces

Let \mathcal E and \mathcal F be r-dimensional subspaces of \mathbb R^d, with r \leq  d. Let \Pi_{\mathcal E} and \Pi_{\mathcal F} be projectors onto these two subspaces.
We first consider the angle between two vectors, that is, when r = 1. Then, \mathcal E and \mathcal F are spanned by vectors. Denote the two corresponding vectors as v_1, v_2 \in \mathbb S^{d-1}. The angle between v_1 and v_2 is defined as:

    \[(v_1, v_2) = \cos^{-1}\left( v_1^* v_2\right).\]

Now, we need to extend this concept to subspaces (when r > 1). Let E and F be d\times r matrices with orthonormal columns such that range(E) =\mathcal E and range(F) = \mathcal F. Then, the projectors can be written as \Pi_{\mathcal E} =E E^{*} and \Pi_{\mathcal E} =F F^{*}.
Now, we define the angle between subspaces \mathcal E and \mathcal F as the following:

The canonical or principal angles between \mathcal E and \mathcal F are:

    \[\theta_1 = \cos^{-1}(\sigma_1),\dots , \theta_r = \cos^{-1}( \sigma_r),\]

where \sigma_1, \dots , \sigma_r are singular values of E^* F or F^* E.

A general result known as CS-decomposition in linear algebra gives the following:

    \[E^*F = U \cos \Theta V^*,\]


    \[\Theta = \begin{bmatrix} \theta_1 & \dots & 0 \\ \vdots & \dots &  \vdots \\ 0 & \dots & \theta_r \end{bmatrix}\]

Another way of defining canonical angles is the following:
The canonical angles between the spaces \mathcal E and \mathcal F are \theta_k = \sin^{-1}(s_k) for k \in \{ 1,\dots , r\}, where s_1, \dots , s_k are the singular values of

    \[\Pi_{\mathcal E} \left( I - \Pi_{\mathcal F}\right)=E E^*\left( I- F F^* \right) = U \sin \Theta V^*.\]

Now, given the definition of the canonical angles, we can define the distances between subspaces \mathcal E and \mathcal F as the following.

The distance between \mathcal E and \mathcal F is \|\sin \Theta\|_2, which is a metric over the space of r-dimensional linear subspaces of \mathbb R^d. Equivalently,

    \begin{align*} \|\sin \Theta\|_2^2 &=\|\Pi_{\mathcal E} \left( I - \Pi_{\mathcal F}\right)\|_2^2\\&=\|\Pi_{\mathcal F} \left( I - \Pi_{\mathcal E}\right)\|_2^2\\&=\frac12 \|\Pi_{\mathcal E} -\Pi_{\mathcal F}\|_2^2. \end{align*}

3. Davis Kahan Theorem


Let \Sigma = E_0\Lambda_0E_0^*+E_1\Lambda_1E_1^* and \Sigma+H = F_0\Lambda_0F_0^*+F_1\Lambda_1F_1^* be symmetric matrices with [E_0, E_1] and [F_0, F_1] orthogonal matrices. If the eigenvalues \Lambda_0 are contained in an interval (a, b), and the eigenvalues of \Lambda_1 are excluded from the interval (a-\delta, b+\delta) for some \delta > 0, then

    \[\|F_1^*E_0\| \leq \frac{\|F_1^*HE_0\|}{\delta} ,\]

for any unitarily invariant norm \|\cdot\|.

Since \Sigma E_0 = E_0 \Lambda_0 E_0^* E_0 + E_1 \Lambda_1 E_1^* E_0 = E_0 \Lambda_0, we have

    \begin{align*}H E_0 &= \Sigma E_0 + H E_0  - \Sigma E_0\\&=(\Sigma +H) E_0 -E_0 \Lambda_0 \end{align*}

Furthermore, F_1^* (\Sigma+ H) = \hat{\Lambda}_1F_1^*, so

    \begin{align*} F_1^*HE_0 &= F_1^*(\Sigma + H)E_0 - F_1^*E_0\Lambda_0\\&= \hat{\Lambda}_1F_1^*E_0 - F_1^* E_0\Lambda_0\end{align*}

Let c := \frac{a+b}{2} and r := \frac{b-a}{2} \geq  0. By the triangle inequality, we have

    \begin{align*}\|F_1^*HE_0\| &= \|\hat{\Lambda}_1F_1^*E_0 - F_1^* E_0\Lambda_0\|\\&= \|\left(\hat{\Lambda}_1-cI\right)F_1^*E_0 - F_1^* E_0\left(\Lambda_0-cI\right)\| \\ &\geq  \|\left(\hat{\Lambda}_1-cI\right)F_1^*E_0 \|-\|F_1^* E_0\left(\Lambda_0-cI\right)\|.\end{align*}

Here we have used a centering trick so that \Lambda_0 - cI has eigenvalues contained in [-r, r], and
\hat{\Lambda}_1 - cI has eigenvalues excluded from (-r -\delta, r + \delta). This implies that \|\Lambda_0-cI\|_2\le r and \|\left(\hat{\Lambda}_1-cI\right)^{-1} \|_2 \leq \left( r+\delta \right)^{-1}, respectively. Therefore

    \begin{align*}\|\left(\hat{\Lambda}_1-cI\right)F_1^*E_0 \| &\geq \frac{1}{\|\left(\hat{\Lambda}_1-cI\right)^{-1} \|_2} \|F_1^* E_0\| \\&\geq \left( r+\delta \right)^{-1} \|F_1^* E_0\|,\end{align*}


    \begin{align*}\|F_1^* E_0\left(\Lambda_0-cI\right)\| & \leq \|\Lambda_0-cI\|_2 \|F_1^* E_0\|\\&\leq r\|F_1^* E_0\|.\end{align*}

We conclude that \|F_1^*H E_0\| \geq \delta \|F_1^* E_0\|.

Another version of the Davis-Kahan Theorem which is more popular in the community of statisticians is the following.


Let \Sigma and \hat{\Sigma} be d \times  d symmetric matrices with respective eigenvalues \lambda_1 \geq \lambda_2 \geq \dots \geq \lambda_d and \hat{\lambda}_1 \geq \hat{\lambda}_2 \geq \dots \geq \hat{\lambda}_d.
Fix 1 \leq  r \leq  s \leq  d, and let V and \hat V be d \times  (s - r + 1) matrices with orthonormal columns corresponding to eigenvalues \{\lambda_j\}_{j=r}^s and \{\hat{\lambda}_j\}_{j=r}^s.
Let \mathcal E and \mathcal F be the subspaces spanned by columns of V and \hat V. Define the eigengap as

    \[\delta = \inf  \left\{ \left| \lambda - \hat{\lambda} \right| \; : \; \lambda \in [\lambda_s , \lambda_r], \; \hat{\lambda} \in (- \infty, \hat{\lambda}_{s+1}] \cup [\hat{\lambda}_{r-1}, \infty)\right\},\]

where we define \hat{\lambda}_0 = -\infty and \hat{\lambda}_{d+1} = \infty.
If \delta > 0, then

    \[\left\|\mathrm{sin} \Theta(\mathcal E, \mathcal F)\right\|_2 \leq \frac{\|\hat{\Sigma}-\Sigma\|_{2}}{\delta}.\]

The result also holds for the operator norm \|\cdot\|_{op}.

Illustration of the eigengap \delta. (Source: Alessandro Rinaldo Lecture Notes)

By Weyl’s theorem, one can show that the sufficient (but not necessary) condition for \delta>0 in Davis-Kahan theorem is

    \[\|\hat{\Sigma}-\Sigma\|_2<\min_{r\leq i\leq s, \; j \in [n] \backslash \{r,\dots,s\}} \left| \lambda_i-\hat{\lambda}_j\right|.\]

When the matrices are not symmetric, there exists a generalized version of the Davis-Kahan Theorem called Wedin’s theorem.

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2 thoughts on “Davis-Kahan Sin Theta Theorem

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    September 23, 2023 at 7:46 pm

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  • Dana Blankschan
    September 24, 2023 at 6:59 pm

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