Compressed sensing belongs to the large field of inverse problems. A typical example of such problems consists in determining the signal that produces the measurement vector through the linear transformation , namely .
Of course, without additional assumption the problem is ill-posed if the rank of the matrix is strictly smaller than , meaning that does not admit a left inverse. To be able to deal with cases where , we need at least to assume some structure on the original signal and/or on the design matrix . Compressed sensing deals with the case where and where is assumed to be sparse meaning that only few coefficients of are non zero. For any , a vector is said to be -sparse if
Denoting the lines oft the matrix , typical problems adressed by compressed sensing are the following.
: Construct a minimal amount of sensing vectors such that any -sparse vector can be efficiently recovered from and
: Given sensing vectors construct a recovery algorithm for any sparse vector from and ; i.e. find an application which can be efficiently implemented and such that for any sparse vector , .
I. -minimization
Reconstructing an s-sparse vector from its measurement vector amounts to
solving the following -minimization problem:
In the following, we present the two different problems that can be tackled together with the minimal number of measurements to ensure that is the unique optimal solution of (1).
1) Non-uniform approach
For any , given an -sparse vector , there exists a measurement matrix with rows such that the vector can be reconstructed from its measurement vector as a solution of the -minimization problem (1).
2) Uniform approach
Given some matrix , we want to ensure that we are able to recover any -sparse vectors from its measurements . The following Theorem states that a necessary condition for uniform recovery is
Given , the following properties are equivalent:
Every s-sparse vector is the unique s-sparse solution of , that is, if and both and are s-sparse, then .
The null space does not contain any -sparse vector other than the zero vector, that is, where .
For every with , the submatrix is injective as a map from to
Every set of columns of is linearly independent.
We are now going to see that measurements suffice to reconstruct every -sparse vector – at least in theory.
For any integer , there exists a measurement matrix with rows such that every -sparse vector can be recovered from its measurement vector
as a solution of the -minimization problem (1).
The optimization problem (1) is known to be NP-hard. In compressive sensing, we will rather consider special choices of and choose for some sparse . We will see that a variety of tractable algorithms will then provably recover from and thereby solve (1) for such specifically designed matrices . However, to emphasize this point once more, such algorithms will not successfully solve the – minimization problem for all possible choices of and due to NP-hardness.
II. Convex relaxation through minimization
Hence one needs to transform the formulation of the problem to be able to recover the signal efficiently without ending up with a problem that requires to be too large to ensure that is the unique optimal solution. The most natural way to do this is to propose a convex relaxation of the problem (1). This is done by replacing the -norm in the objective function by the -norm. Note that this is the best relaxation that we can propose in the sense that the -norm is the convex envelope of the -norm on . This means that on , the -norm is the supremum of all the affine functions that are smaller than the -norm on . Another equivalent statement is that the -norm coincides with the biconjugate of the -norm on .
1. Necessary condition
Let be a matrix satisfying , then
The number of measurements needed to reconstruct every s-sparse vector via (2) always satisfies up to a universal constant. It means that we are paying an extra log factor compared to the -minimization procedure. We gain more on a computational side than we lose on the theoretical number of measurements.
Let such that . We say that satisfies the exact recovery property of order (ER(s)), if for any s-sparse vector , one has
2) Equivalent condition: Nullspace property and cone of descent
A matrix is said to satisfy the null space property relative to a set if
for all . It is said to satisfy the null space property of order if it satisfies the null space property relative to any set with .
Let . The following assertions are equivalent:
satisfies ER(s).
satisfies NSP(s).
where is the cone of descent of the norm at .
If satisfies NSP(s), then which means that uniform recovery is ensured by solving (1).
Hence, the null space property is a necessary and sufficient condition for a matrix A to ensure recovery via (2).
It would be sufficient to construct sensing matrices satisfying NSP(s) with a
minimal number of rows (i.e. a minimal number of measurements) to solve CS problem using (2). However, verifying such a condition is impossible in practice. We are going to use instead two stronger properties that imply NSP(s). These two conditions are then sufficient – whereas NSP is necessary an sufficient – for (2) to success.
2) Sufficient conditions
a) Gelfand width
For all integer , let us denote (resp. ) the (resp. ) unit ball of , and let us define
Under NSP(s), the null space of does not contain the sparse vectors set . Then Ker() is far enough from the canonical axes and from all the 2s-dimensional spaces spanned by canonical basis vectors. Intuitively, Ker() will be directed only diagonal directions in . For these vectors said to be well-spread, the ratio of their -norm over their -norm much smaller than . One can anticipate that NSP(s) will be verified if the -norm of vectors in Ker()
is much smaller than .
We say that satisfies the Gelfand property of order if
We will write that satisfies Gerlfand(s).
If satisfies Gelfand(s) then satisfies NSP(s).
b) Restricted isometry property
Let . We way that satisfies the restricted isometry property of order if for any ,
We will write that satisfies RIP(s).
RIP(s) condition is really strong as it can be seen from the following Theorem.
If satisfies RIP(s) then satisfies Gelfand(s/65).
In a nutshell
The NSP(s) is equivalent to ER(s), then this is a tight condition for ER(s). However it is unpractical because it is quasi not verifiable. RIP condition, even if it is a more restrictive condition, gives a quantitative criterion, which is much easier to deal with. Hence, the next goal is then to construct sensing matrices satisfying RIP.